Palwan Youth Empowerment Center

Students collaborating on a project at Palwan.


The Palwan Youth Empowerment Center is the first of its kind in Istanbul’s Uyghur community. Unlike any existing project, the center combines academic programs, team-building, and one on one mentorship in one comprehensive, youth-led project. The center’s core mission is to help Uyghur youth realize their passions and goals whether they be leading an art-class for their peers or learning how to code.



The center currently provides Math, English, University-prep, and coding courses. These courses are led by Uyghur instructors with experience in the respective subjects and given free of charge to interested Uyghur youth.


The center is the first of its kind to combine academic courses with leadership and mental-health programs including one-on-one mentorship. Palwan team members organize leadership workshops, field trips, and other team-building activities.

Community Building

The center is open 24/7 for Uyghur youth to come study, hang out, or tackle a new project. One of its core goals is to provide a safe and completely open space for youth to come together in a productive way.